Agriseeds Ltd is a Rwandan seed company, created in 2013 by a young entrepreneur Innocent NAMUHORANYE. Agriseeds Ltd specializes in agricultural seeds production, distribution & marketing. The company holds more than 40% of market share in vegetable seedlings distribution in Rwanda. Its competitive advantages rely on strong networks with the world leading seeds producers and Seed Associations and sourcing the seeds from the right and well-known seed companies. Agriseeds Ltd is supplying vegetable seeds locally and regionally. Being one of leading agricultural inputs’ companies on Rwandan market, Agriseeds Group benefits from its subsidiary companies’ extensive expertise, which ensures providing quality agricultural seeds and agrochemicals, outstanding services and innovative solutions to its clients enabling them to enjoy successful track records in the agricultural sector.
Importantly, Agriseeds Group benefits from its subsidiary companies’ extensive expertise, which ensures providing quality agricultural seeds and agrochemicals, outstanding services, and innovative solutions to its clients. The Group and its partners jointly develop projects to support eco-friendly innovations and human capacity development with the green agriculture revolution in mind.
Through Agriseeds Academy, we conduct research and trainings, aiming at developing expertise & partnerships to collaboratively support a transformational vision for agricultural industry. The Group strives to further acquire significant stakes in companies operating in agricultural inputs and to diversify its portfolio to a variety of areas such as agricultural processing, education and capacity building, and real estate.
It is our priority to lessen our impact on the environment for present and future generations by conserving energy, materials, and resources. The Group takes active measures to ensure its activities are conducted in an environmentally conscious manner, and to incorporate the relevant environmental safety precautions.